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Closed for expansion and renovations


Design × Imagination

Design Dialogues

with Cream on Chrome (NL) & Fiona Raby (UK), moderated by Nadine Botha (NL)

Despite having more information, tools and knowledge than ever before, it can seem that the world’s problems are at loggerheads. Yet, who and what defines these problems? How are different perceptions and realities designed by the news, technology and objects consumed?

Does something have to be real to affect minds and realities? Can design be used to expand the range of what is imagined and regarded as possible? Can expanding the range of the possible invite alternative attitudes, behaviors and futures?

In this Design Dialogues we will discuss the use of the imagination and imaginary as tools in design, and how this impacts individual agency and collective realities.

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Design Dialogues

Design x Digital Collection is part of the curated lecture series Design Dialogues organised by the Design Department of KASK & Conservatorium and Design Museum Gent. Distinctive voices from the broad field of design are invited to reflect on the role and future of design in a changing world. Each lecture is a critical dialogue around a theme and concludes with an open discussion between the speakers and the audience. After a whirlwind first edition, we are heading for a new series of in-depth talks. The concept has been slightly modified: young talent now gets carte blanche to invite an experienced expert for an inspiring dialogue. Our mission remains unchanged: to provide engaging perspectives that could help us meet the challenges of today and tomorrow.